
Wednesday 10 November 2021

Year list targets at Abberton

We had considered a trip to Abberton yesterday but circumstance meant we left it to this morning and arrived in wet grey overcast conditions with very poor visibility which is far from ideal when scoping the vast reservoirs.

We started at Layer Breton and scanned the hundreds of ducks there to reveal that most were Tufted with lot's of Shoveler and Pochard in the mix plus small numbers of Goldeneye. We found the Teal/Baikal hybrid and a few Teal too. Greylags and Egyptian Geese continue to increase in numbers and a Great Egret flew low across the reservoir before we moved off towards Layer de le Haye causeway. On the way we noticed eight Catte Egrets feeding in the cow field by Garr farm and at the causeway we scanned through the murk and mist to find more Tufted and Teal plus lots of Great-crested Grebes and a possible Red-necked Grebe but it remained too far out in the murk to ID for sure. Two Great Egrets, Goosander, Grey Wagtail, Lapwing, Redshank and several Blackwits made up the best of the rest before we left for Wigborough bay.

Cattle Egret

Baikal/Teal Hybrid at Abberton

At the hide we were at least covered from the drizzle but it remained difficult to scan through the mist. We failed to see any Bewick's Swan or Red-crested Pochard which I had hoped would give me year ticks today but the bay held lots of Pintail and Mute Swans. On the banks were a flock of Lapwing which also held a couple of Dunlin and on the far bank our third Great Egret of the day. We heard that yesterdays Long-tailed Duck was now showing close to the causeway so set off to look for it only to find it had now flown to the far side of the reservoir near the pumping station. This was now looking like a washout in terms of year ticks but we soldiered on walking round to island hide. Thankfully Paul W was in the hide and had picked up the Long-tailed Duck by the pump house with several Goldeneye and with his help we managed to finally connect with a year tick. I then spotted four Slav Grebes which were again quite distant and another three Great White Egrets before we set off hoping to get home to see England beat New Zealand but I guess when it's not your day.......It's really not your day.

Year list now 233 and only five away from that worst ever total I'm now chasing down.

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