
Sunday 7 November 2021

Taiga Flycatcher at Flamborough

I missed last years Taiga Flycatcher that spent four days in Durham due to Covid travel restrictions so was excited to see another turn up at Flamborough on 16th October but sadly the bird was missing the next day so the twitch was called off but then the bird was refound on 4th November at South Landings Flamborough and when it was still there on the Friday I called Jim and arranged to go first thing Saturday. We stopped at North Caves on the way up and year ticked Green-winged Teal and as we left North caves the news from Flamborough was negative so we changed plans and decided to finally visit the long staying White-tailed Plover at Blacktoft Sands. On arrival we parked up and walked down to Xerox hide where the Plover was busy feeding in full view with some Redshank and Dunlin. Whilst admiring our second White-tailed Plover (1st at Rainham in 2010) Jim got news that the Taiga Flycatcher had been refound at Flamborough so we returned to the car and made haste arriving at South Landings car park at about 11am. A walk of about 50 yards followed before we found a small group of birders admiring a Red-flanked Bluetail so with some directions from the crowd we too were soon admiring the little cracker.

Green-winged Teal at North Caves

White-tailed Plover at Balcktoft Sands

Further along the path another group where searching for the mega that we'd made the trip to see and itwasn't long before I'd got my eyes on it in the canopy. It performed quite well but remained busy and high in the canopy all the time we were there but was heard calling several times. A true mega with just three previous accepted records. The first in 2003 was also at Flamborough with another on Shetland that year too. The last accepted record was on Shetland in 2009 and of course the Durham bird last year should be accepted making this years bird Britains fifth.

Taiga Flycatcher at South Landings Flamborough

On the journey home we had car trouble requiring a Greenflag rescue that saw us get home at 2.30am almost 22 hours after leaving home. The car will need attention, maybe even replacement but the tick will live long in the memory for sure.

BOU (mainland only) list is now 425 (includes Black-eared Wheatear that's still pending)

Year list now 232 and just six short of that worst year ever that I'm trying to avoid if possible. 

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