
Sunday 2 May 2021

A refreshing morning at Frampton marsh

Arriving at Frampton marsh for 7am this morning it was calm and bright with hardly a ripple in the water where Avocet, Dunlin and Ruff fed close to the rear car park. From the mound opposite we found a sleeping Jack Snipe but our main target was Dotterel so we climbed the bank and started the long walk to the far corner finding Whimbrel, Short-eared Owl and Marsh Harrier along the way. A Wood Sandpiper was close to the fence line so we paused to enjoy that for a while before marching on before we found the Dotterel in a small flock of Golden Plover and Ruff but it remained a little distant. Two Yellow Wagtails and a flock of Brents made up the rest of our interest on this half of the reserve.

Back on the main track we again saw the Jack Snipe but this time it was feeding as I found it when looking at a splendid ginger Ruff through the camera. Further around the reserve and we found lots more Ruff, a flock of some 150plus Dunlin and over 30 Ringed Plover. Jim spotted a distant Spoonbill to give me my third year tick of the day and on the main pool we found both Black and Bar-tailed Godwits along with more Avocets to round off a lovely days birding in Lincolnshire.


Year list now 179




Jack Snipe



Spoonbill 😉

Distant but a real Spoonbill

Wood Sandpiper

Wood Sandpiper

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