
Thursday 29 April 2021

First visit to Titchwell since September

I visited Titchwell yesterday with the Jims for the first time since September last year. We stopped at Hunstanton for an easy year tick watching the Fulmars from the car park but by around 7am we were walking along the path to Patsy's Pool at Titchwell hearing Willow, Reed, Sedge and Cetti's warblers and Chiffies along the way. At the viewpoint we heard a Gropper reeling so stopped scanning and walked the path to find the Grasshopper Warbler sitting up reeling away. It was a little distant but still the best views I've ever had of this species.


Marsh Harrier

Back at the viewpoint we found both Common and Green Sandpiper before another birder put us on the sleeping Jack Snipe which was in the reeds closest to the screen. It sat bobbing for a while before we left to walk the reserve. The water levels are high and the volume of birds was disappointing.  On the beach I added Knot to my year list but the high wind made sea watching very difficult. A single Barwit was on the beach with two Oystercatchers but it was very quiet. We had a single Bearded Tit whilst scanning the reed pools and two more Groppers reeled as we walked back to the car park.

Jack Snipe

A quick trip to Choseley to search for Dotterel was a failure but the Jims added Whimbrel and Yellowhammer to their lists for 2021. Brancaster was waderless so we made our way to Wells north pools where we quickly found Wood Sandpiper. I added Ruff to the year list before finding a second Wood Sandpiper and a probable Green Sand that popped up distantly harassed by Gulls.

Wood Sandpiper

On the way home we stopped at Lynford to break the journey and I finally saw my first Marsh Tit of the year whilst Jim got his first Coal Tit. I struggle to hear Firecrest but luckily Jim doesn't and with him hearing one we scanned the Ivy clad trees to eventually get a decent view before seeing another at the feeding station which posed really well for us. The year list is recovering now we can get around a little more although I'm still trying to limit my days out. 

Year list now 176

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