
Thursday 18 February 2021

More movement in the year list

A little stroll around Epping Forest this morning delivered two late year ticks with Coal Tit and Nuthatch. I also found a small flock of fourteen Lesser Redpoll high up the trees but still enjoyed seeing them so local with some sporting bright red chests.

The local Owls continue to keep me entertained with the young bird selecting a roost yesterday so that it was in full view to all who walked the main path sitting just a few feet away from the passing public. It spent the whole day mostly asleep as dog walkers, joggers and cyclists walked by. The dogs would occasionally get a bit close and prompt the bird to open half an eye and some people stopped to take pics with their mobiles some getting a little too close for my liking but the bird sat it out all day. When I returned this morning it had moved to a better roost spot where I'm hoping it gets less attention today. The other bird is better at finding roost spots tucked away and is not usually seen until it comes out to hunt at dusk. I had a single Great White Egret fly over last night followed by a Little Egret but have had no luck locating the Jack Snipe flushed twice by Roy last week.

Short-eared Owl

Skylarks were singing this morning and there's still good numbers of Redwing and Fieldfare present.
The pond is no longer frozen and today had sixteen Teal mostly males, four pairs of Gadwall, two pairs of Shoveler a few Coots and a Heron. 

I have enjoyed watching the park over the winter and through the Tiers to Lockdown and look forward to seeing what spring brings locally whilst remaining hopeful that we will soon be permitted to travel a little further and that further includes the coast.

Year list now 110

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