
Monday 15 February 2021

Great Egrets in the valley

I can't remember ever seeing Great Egrets in the valley before now but today after a tip from Roy I connected with not one but two as they hunted along the reeds of the relief channel. A female Goosander was also present and seven Teal. The Owls remain present along with a male Kestrel and Sparrowhawk but neither seem to have a mate. Redwing and Fieldfare were hard to find today.

The large flock of Goldfinch continue to brighten the days and I'm even starting to appreciate the roosting Parakeets for their splash of colour. 

Goldfinch on giant teasle

Great Egret

Great Egret

Short-eared Owl


Year list now 108


  1. I had the great pleasure of finding 3 Great Egrets on my west London patch on Sunday morning. Real beauties. I had assumed when I saw birds turning up at Dagenham Chase & Waterworks NR these were the same birds relocating east, but somebody else had my original three in the same place, so a bit of a movement over the capital on Sunday, presumably weather related.

  2. yeah I guess so, saw another last night flying over the park
