
Wednesday 29 July 2020

Garden birding

I very nearly drove down to Porthgwarra Sunday evening to take advantage of some good sea watching conditions but doing the six hour drive alone put me off so it'll have to wait for later in August.

The Garden
Instead I sat watching the garden birds and in particular the second brood from local Robins. I have only seen two juveniles from this brood but only saw one from the first. One of the two spends nearly all day sitting in my garden just popping out when I put an offering out or water the garden to bring the worms out for him.

Juvenile Robin

Juvenile Robin
The Sparrows always entertain too and seem to be in the middle of a very good year locally.

House Sparrow

House Sparrow

House Sparrow
Apart from watching the garden and a fair bit of Cricket I had a little walk around Wanstead yesterday where the highlight was a couple of young Kestrels and bumping into Nick for a good catch up as we walked around hoping for something in terms of early autumn migration which failed to materialise but I'm sure I'll pop over again soon. (Probably just after Nick has found something good)

The year list has stopped ticking but hopefully it'll get a little lift as things start to move south soon but until then there is always the garden to provide a small fix.

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