
Sunday 26 July 2020

BBRC Work in progress

BBRC Published the latest work in progress report back in June and it shows the following.......

Firstly all records that are "Waiting for Information"

This includes
Grey Bellied Brents records going back to 2005
A Siberian Gull from 2012
Russian Peregrine Falcon records since 2017
Central Asian Lesser Whitethroat records dating back to 2003
and Desert Lesser Whitethroat records dating back to 2000

Then there's the "In circulation" file which includes (I've omitted this years IC's)

A north American Canada Goose from the Loch of Skene in December 2017 and a Cackling Goose in Scotland dating back to 2017 and another from 2000. Two Ross's Goose records dating back as far as 2011 in the Borders and one in Norfolk in 2012 

Whilst Falcated Duck has now been accepted onto the BOU list two sightings remain in circulation and they are the 2008 sighting on Anglesey and a Hampshire sighting in 2013

A Band-rumped Storm Petrel sighting off Porthgwarra in September 2018, a couple of Fea's Petrels from last year in Yorkshire, a Trindade Petrel again from Porthgwarra in 2018 and loads of Barolo Shearwater sightings going back to 1967 are still in circulation.

A Little Bittern at Ham Wall last year and two sightings from 2008 of North American Night Heron following acceptance of the 2017 bird.

Two Pallid Harriers are included from last year

The 2009 Pacific Golden Plover from Gibraltar Point, an Upland Sandpiper from Cornwall last year, the 2011 Sussex Long-Toed Stint, Hudsonian Dunlin reports from 2007, 2011, 2013 and 2017,
Islays Baird's Sandpiper from last year, the Somerset Semipalmated Sandpiper from 1992 and a Long-billed Dowitcher on the Isle of Man last year.

Baltic Gull from 2013 at Cley along with two other reports from 2016 and 2019.

An Oriental Turtle Dove record from Dumfries in 2016, several Pallid Swift records going back to 1975
and a Bee-eater record from Dorchester back in 1985.

The famous Lesser Kestrel in Yorkshire last year remains under discussion as expected along with a single Red-footed Falcon record from 2004 in Staffordhsire.

Two Turkestan Shrike sightings from last year on Shetland and the 2003 Outer Skerries bird plus a 
Balearic Woodchat Shrike dating back to 2018.

The Pied Crow of 2018-2019 (That I eventually went for the day it crossed the channel)

A Horned Lark from Scilly in 2001

Two Western Bonellis Warblers from 2004 (Barra) and 2019 (Cornwall) plus a Hume's Warbler in Lincs last year. An Orkney Iberian Chiffchaff in 2018 along with one from Durham last year and the Essex Sykes Warbler from 2002. Four Savi's Warblers dating back to 2003 and five Eastern Subalpine Warblers dating back to 2004 which of course is more relevant following the recent split.

A 1959 Northern Treecreeper  at Spurn remarkably remains in circulation and is by far the oldest outstanding record in circulation along with a 2016 Lincs report that remains in this category.

A Black-throated Thrush from Shetland last year has yet to get a yes or no whilst the Isle of May Siberian Stonechat last year along with the Isle of Wight record also sit unanswered.

A Welsh Desert Wheatear from last year remains undecided along with the only bird I'm waiting on which is the Eastern Black-eared Wheatear at Fluke Hall Lancs are both waiting on the committee.

Eastern Black-eared Wheatear that remains in circulation with the committee

Wagtails clearly cause some debate and no fewer than six are still in circulation with the oldest being 2012 and it's a  Citrine Wagtail.

Unsurprisingly the Paddyfield Pipit from Sennen last year remains in circulation along with last years Nethybridge Red-throated Pipit.

Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll from 2018 at Unst along with the Bressay Coues's of last year
A couple of the many Shetland sightings of Two-barred Crossbill are still pending
and lastly Caithness makes the list again with a Black-headed Bunting from 2018

We then move to the recently Not Proven records which include the following to name just a few of the many........

Several North American Canada Geese all from last years sightings and a Cackling Goose from 2001 on Fair Isle. A 1991 Submission of Falcated Duck has been rejected as not proven in Devon and 
A Fudge Duck Near Orford last year was rejected, a 2008 submission for White-billed Diver in Argyll met the same fate.

Black-browed and Yellow-nosed Albatross submissions from last year were not proven and these relate to the Isle of Lewis and off the Scillonian 111 respectively.

Four Barolo Shearwater submissions were rejected and a Black Stork over Eltham Palace last year was also rejected as not proven.

A sighting of Brown Booby at sea off Edinburgh last year was rejected and a 2017 Pallid Harrier in Yorkshire was deemed as not proven too whilst two Eastern Black Kites in the Scottish Isles in 2018 were also rejected.

A Pacific Golden Plover at Minsmere last September was rejected along with a Hudsonian Whimbrel on South Uist in 2017. Last years report of Least Sandpiper in Cleveland was also confined to the "not proved" file.

Two submissions of Wilsons Snipe on Scilly in October 2018 were rejected whilst a third was accepted over the same period. (Makes you wander what was wrong with the first two reports)

Ivory Gull on Farne last year was rejected as not proven as was the June Laughing Gull at Portland
along and an American Herring Gull in Pembrokeshire last year along with  a Baltic Gull near Bempton in 2011 which was finally moved to the not proven bin along with more recent submissions from Devon and Lincs whilst a Gull-billed Tern submission at Fairburn Ings last year was also moved to NP.

South Polar Skua finally came off the IC list and is now not proven dating back to 1996 at Dawlish Warren. A Snowy Owl submission from the Highlands in April last year dropped into the NP box and a Swalecliffe Pallid Swift submission from November 2018 along with  a Herefordshire Roller from June last year also dropped to NP status.

Saker Falcon in Lincolnshire last March and two Gyr Falcons from Shetland and Lancs last February dropped out as did a Northern Long-tailed Tit at Southrepps Norfolk which failed to convince
as did a Hume's Warbler on Fetlar last October.

Iberian Chiffchaff took a hit with the King George Res. submission and the Seaton GP Kent one being rejected along with one at Hanningfield in Essex and painfully for me the Pantmaenog Forest bird that I visited.

Iberian Or not as the case may be

As you'd expect Booted and Sykes feature as do Savi's and Subalpine Warblers.

Northern Treecreeper saw two submissions from last year dropped and one dating back to 2010 relating to a bird in Orfordness Suffolk.

A Central European Ring Ouzel was rejected from Gloucestshire last year and two recent Thrush Nightingales got the chop.

Collared Flycatcher is another bird that can be tricky to prove and it's no surprise to see three hit the not proven list along with a single Taiga Flycatcher submission from last year.

An Isabelline Wheatear failed to find enough supporting evidence to get accepted  as did the  submission of a Seebohms Wheatear on Stockholm last year.

A Black-bellied Dipper in Yorkshire failed to satisfy the committee and as with the IC status Wagtails again feature in the not proven list with Ashy-headed, Black-headed and Eastern Yellow all featuring.

Tawny, Buff-breasted and Red-throated Pipits all had submissions drop into the needed more evidence group and as you'd expect Arctic Redpolls caused issue with a single example of Coues's and Hornemann's failing to make the confirmed list.

Three of the many Two-barred Crossbills didn't have enough supporting evidence (all about the photo these days) 

A Black-headed Bunting in the Highlands and Red-breasted Grosbeak submitted three weeks after the last sighting of the Scilly bird but again without the supporting evidence make up the last of the records that are defined as NOT PROVEN.

I enjoyed looking at these updates and putting the summary together helped me take in the info so I thought it worth the blog post but you can access the actual Work in progress file through the BBRC website too.

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