
Wednesday 23 October 2019

Ten ticks in ten weeks

So I sit here on 290 after almost ten months and need another ten ticks for that magical (at least to me) 300.

So what targets have I got left to go for.............(forgive me for thinking out loud here.)

Lapland Bunting............ Should be able to find a wintering bird somewhere
Taiga Bean Goose..........The wintering Cantley birds hopefully in late November
Little Auk.......................Right time of year to get them passing the south east
Pomarine Skua...............Still a chance of a late bird whilst looking for Little Auks
Long Tailed Skua...........Slim chance
Ruddy Duck...................Getting harder to find each year
Snow Goose...................Would be a lifer but a few in Scotland that might be achievable
Black Scoter...................Will it return? will I go for it? will I see it if I go?
Pacific Diver.................. As above
Capercaillie.....................Haven't given up on finding one IF I get back to Scotland this year
Golden Pheasant..............Still a chance (have had them in Nov and Dec before now)
Barred Warbler................Been quiet in the south east for these this autumn but still possible
Rosy Starling...................A couple about but not local enough for me, never say never
Desert Wheatear..............Still possible along with Isabelline and even an outside chance of Pied
Parrot Crossbill...............Might still find one if the lucks on my side.

Currently some good birds about too....
Citrine Wagtail, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Red-flanked Bluetail, Spotted Crake, Rock Thrush, Lesser Kestrel to name a few.

And of course there's always other vagrants to consider.....
Like these I've had in November and December over the years.

Spotted Sandpiper
Western Sandpiper
Lesser White-fronted Goose
Red-breasted Goose
Buff-bellied Pipit
Pallas's Warbler
Brunnich's Guillemot
Isabelline, Desert and Pied Wheatear
Blyth's Pipit
Forster's Tern
Cliff Swallow
Crag Martin
Glossy Ibis
Pallid Swift

So you can see it remains a realistic but challenging goal.

Ten weeks to get myself ten ticks but having said that my best ever Nov/Dec total is 2014 when I got eleven ticks. (Unfortunately I already have nine of that eleven)

2015 wintering bird
Brunnich's Guillemot from December 2013
Be a poor effort if I don't find one of these this year
Last years November gift in the form of a Pallid Swift at Cromer

No doubt something unexpected will turn up too, but will I be lucky enough to connect with it?
Here's to a good bit of birding in the next ten weeks and a good luck message to anybody else chasing a good finish to the year.

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