
Thursday 24 October 2019

291 Pallas's Warbler at Thornham Point

We headed up to Norfolk this morning with our first stop at Cley where we picked up a year tick for the Jims with a single Velvet Scoter among a small group of Commons. A Black-throated Diver sat on the sea west of the car park along with several Red-throats and a few Guillemot. A single Med Gull, lot's of Gannet and ducks including three Eider made up the best of the rest. We walked to East bank hoping to find a Lapland Bunting but failed and the only thing of note was a Peregrine sat on a gate out on the marsh which gave us terrific scope views.

Thornham Point Titchwell
A message came through of a Pallas's Warbler at Thornham Point so we made a quick call to drive down to Titchwell and give it a go. We walked to the beach and then marched along to the point. The weather was gloomy with rain in the air but we set about trying to find the target which had been seen just before we arrived. A group of around twenty or so birders had set up where the bird had last been seen and shortly after a guy called it just as I saw a tiny bird fly up and away from us. Whilst everybody sat it out I was convinced the bird that flew was the Pallas's so I walked off and slowly made my way around the bushes to the far end. I watched a group of six Goldcrests move through the bushes and whilst watching jammed on the Pallas's Warbler which gave good but very short views.
A quick call to Jim to let him know it was at my end and the group all followed him to me but unfortunately only one guy managed to connect with it.

After another two hours it was seen on the back of the bushes but it proved very elusive and as the rain increased the Jims decided to concede defeat and we headed for home.

Year list now 291

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