
Tuesday 3 September 2019

Brown Booby at Kynance Cove

The 19th August 2019 and a Brown Booby is seen for the very first time fishing in British waters, roll on a few days and another report comes in from St.Ives in Cornwall and this bird gives itself up to a very fortunate few but takes some birders up to five days to connect with the wandering bird then out of the blue comes another record with what is considered a first summer bird at Kynance Cove in Cornwall. I'm now singing that famous Clash number in my head "Should I stay or should I go".
With a little encouragement from Mrs A I watched as news came in of the bird appearing to go to roost on the rocks at Kynance Cove so that was it a quick call to Jim and we are meeting up at 12pm ready for the 320 mile drive. We made good time and arrived in the dark at 5.30am to find at least 50 cars already there with many birders sleeping off their long drives. We waited until about 6.15am and then slowly took the short walk out to the headland to view the rocks. The crowd gathered and by 8am the twitch numbered around 200 birders but the mood was low until 8.08am when the cry went up "there it is" and the crowd moved as one to get on the target as it flew out from roost and came around the headland to give us cracking views. Over the next three hours we watched it dive, sit on the water and fly along with long periods of sitting on the pyramid rock. What a day, what a bird!

Life list now 405
Year list now 279

The Brown Booby at Kynance Cove
Brown Booby
roosting on the small pyramid rock
zoomed in
The view out to the roost site. (spent most of the day on the small rock to the left as per above pics)
The small crowd
The Booby prize

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