
Thursday 29 August 2019

Wrynecks at Holland Haven Essex

One of my favourite birds has to be the Wryneck so with news of one in the home county today I headed up the A12 with the Jims to find the little cracker.

The bird had been reported in the dell at Holland Haven which for those less familiar is the sunken area around the toilet block. It took us ninety minutes to get a first glimpse as the bird flew from a small bush behind the toilets but vanished as quick as it appeared. Two more flight views followed before I finally got the binoculars on it and what a cracker it was. Now I wanted to see if I could catch an image with the camera but it was proving very elusive to say the least. Another couple of hours passed before we connected again this time sitting in a dead bush and to my surprise it was now in the company of a second Wryneck. At some distance I managed to fire of a few shots of the bush hoping it might show the two birds. (see below) One of the birds dropped to feed on the steps but as is always the case this prompted a woman to use these steps to get to the toilet so if you'll pardon the pun "the bird was flushed".

Year list now 278

Looks like I could come up a couple short of my 280 August target but never say never still two days to go.

Wryneck at Holland Haven
Feeding on the steps before the flush
A short and  rare view in the open
Two Wrynecks, can you see them?
How about now?
Not too easy to pick them out is it?
A few pics from the last couple of days too...

Cuckoo at Dunge
Whitethroat at Dunge
Peregrine at Dunge
Whinchat at Wanstead

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