
Saturday 20 April 2019

The Cairngorms

Friday saw us touring the Cairngorm area where I found a fresh Tree Pipit whilst searching for Crested Tits in the woods around Nethybridge. I did find Crested Tit and a couple of Crossbill around the loch at Boat of Garten and had one calling whilst looking at the Tree Pipit but generally they proved very elusive today staying high up in the canopy. Willow Warblers are in good voice now and the Osprey activity was pretty good too although Loch Garten's famous female has sadly failed to return this year.

At Cairngorm we enjoyed good views of a pair of Ring Ouzel feeding in and around the lower car park and also picked up another year tick here with a couple of Red Grouse sightings before moving onto Lochindorb were we obviously had many more Red Grouse but little else of note.

23degrees and blue skies today!

Year list now 216

Ring Ouzel
Red Grouse at Lochindord

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