
Thursday 18 April 2019

A day in the Glens

Thursday saw us make the two mile drive to the gatekeepers property at Glen Strathfarrar where we were given a permit to drive the seventeen miles through the private glen and I have to say it was a fabulous drive too. We also took the slightly longer drive of around sixteen miles down to Glen Affric which is again about a sixteen mile route to the river and back passing loch Beinn and loch Afrric on route. Both routes highly recommended.

As for birds I found Black-throated Diver that happily swam passed the picnic tables at loch Beinn, Lots of Dipper and Grey Wagtail, Mergansers and a single Goosander, a herd of six Whooper Swan and a flock of fifty of so mixed Redwing and Fieldfare. Although both Glens look great for Eagle I only had Buzzards in both glens.

Glen Strathfarrar has lots of Red Deer and Mountain Goats to entertain along the route but overall both these drives are all about the scenery.

Black-throated Diver at Loch Beinn
Red Deer everywhere....these ones feeding on the target practice field
Mountain Goat
Grey Wagtail
I'll post a few scenic images once I've extracted them from Suzannes Camera.

If you're ever in the Inverness area these glens are about half an hour drive to get to the start but will take the best part of a day to enjoy fully. Glen Strathfarrar only allows twenty five cars in at one time so get there early but you will not find crowds here. (Check opening times too)

1 comment:

  1. Great set of photos I love the diver. Happy Easter Diane
