With the north winds forecast I headed up to Cley this morning for a bit of a sea watch stopping off at Buckenham Marsh for a couple of Pec Sands and then a couple of Jack Snipe before landing at the coast guards car park.
The weather looked good but the going was slow.
Four Arctic Skua, Five Great Skua, several Manx Shearwaters, lots of Gannets. A few groups of Eider and Scoter, four Arctic Terns, two Med Gulls and a single Little Gull.
On the beach a single Snow Bunting was the highlight.
A large long winged Shearwater flew east but remains unidentified depsite a few people saying Sooty!. I thought I could see a white belly on it but it was too long in the wing to be Manx.
The two guys next to me had a Storm Petrel but I couldn't get on it.
Year list now 242
No pictures today with the weather etc so here's a few of last weeks Cattle Egrets at Elmley.
Cattle Egret at Elmley |
Cattle Egret |
Cattle Egret |
Cattle Egret |
Cattle Egret at Elmley |
Cattle Egrets |
3 of the 6 |