
Sunday 2 September 2018

Purple Heron and Fudge Duck at Abberton

First light this morning and I was on the Layer Breton causeway looking for a Purple Heron which I quickly found roosting in the trees at the fat side of the site. It showed well through the scope but was a bit too far away for my 400mm lens although I did take a record shot anyway.

Purple Heron
Whilst waiting for the Heron to do something more exciting I tried a few flight shots of the Canada Geese and took a couple of shots of the Little Egrets which roost here in large numbers now.

Canada Geese
Canada Geese
Little Egrets
Little Egret
I moved on to the reserve and walked through to Bay hide where I found the Fudge duck asleep on the mus bank directly in front of the hide. Again distant and again a quick record shot as it eventually swam a short distance before sleeping again.

Fudge duck asleep
A couple of Great White Egrets came into view and one had a Fox walk within inches of it but surprisingly neither the Egret or the Fox seemed to pay each other much notice.

Great Egrets
Fox encounter between Great and Little Egret
The year list moves to 232 with the addition of the Fudge Duck although it's credentials remain in question.

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