
Saturday 1 September 2018

Dunge and a bit more of the Wanstead Shrike

Destination Dunge!

We arrived at Gallaways for first light and found at least fifteen Whinchat, ten or more Wheatear lot's of Stonechats and a single Spotted Flycatcher but despite a good search during the morning including a long walk through the Long Pit area we failed to find anything else on the move. A pair of Raven flew over as we searched and a Sprawk flew between us as we searched the lighthouse garden.


A single Cattle Egret remained at the farm with yesterdays other ten seemingly departed.

Cattle Egret
The only other thing of note was a Grass Snake swimming in the Long Pit.

Grass Snake
On the way home we stopped for another hour an hour with the Wanstead Shrike and it showed really well for us enabling a couple of slightly improved images.

Wanstead Shrike
Red-backed Shrike at Wanstead
No year ticks but a good days birding with the Jims all the same.

Spotted Flycatcher

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