
Friday 15 September 2017

Sandpiper double in Dorset

Arriving at Lodmoor at 7.30am this morning we paid for four hours parking and marched off to the viewpoint only to be put on the Least Sandpiper straight away by the birders that had arrived before us. The tiny peep was showing well on the far bank giving lovely scope views but testing the phrase "record shot" (see below)

Least Sandpiper at Lodmoor "record shot"
With some advise from the gathered birders we moved on in search of the Stilt Sandpiper finding it within a few minutes at the far end of the reserve with the other waders.
We couldn't believe our luck bagging these two yanks as lifers within a few minutes of our arrival.

The more appropriate record shot of my first Stilt Sandpiper
We moved on to Portland where negative news of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper prompted us to try the Quarry area and this rewarded us with great views of a Wryneck. We couldn't find the Hoopoe that's been seen regularly in the area and the Buff-breast never re appeared during our time on site.

Wryneck at Portland

Year list 260 and life list now 388

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