
Sunday 10 September 2017

Citrine Wagtail at Minsmere

Arriving at Minsmere at 7am this morning we found the reserve cloaked in sea mist with little to see on our walk around to East Hide but as we entered the hide the mist started to clear slowly and views of the scrape became clearer and clearer over the next hour or so.

Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Spotted Redshank, Common and Green Sandpiper, Black & Bar-tailed Godwits, Golden Plover, Lapwing, Ruff and Avocet all revealed themselves as the mist cleared.  A Cuckoo flew over whilst a Peregrine hunted and a Water Rail walked among the reeds close to the hide.

As we scanned the Pied Wagtails we hit on a very pale bird as it popped up but it quickly dropped out of site again. Sure this was the target we kept an eye on the area and sure enough the Citrine Wagtail came out to feed and we enjoyed great scope views for the next couple of hours before it flew off to feed in front of North Hide. On our walk around we stopped in West Hide were Jimmy managed to pick out the bird again and get the gathered group on it.

Record shot......just to the right of the post!
A good trip with a lifer in the bag for the three of us and I can recommend Ruby's Apple and Blackcurrant Sponge Crumble (£2.80 and worth every penny)

Year list now 257 Life list now 386

Lapwing (shame the Wagtail didn't show this close)

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