
Friday 25 August 2017

Day on the east coast

I started my day on the heath at Dunwich enjoying the runrise in the company of the many Dartford Warblers that have made the heath their home. They seem to have had another good year.

Dartford Warbler on Dunwich Heath
Down on the reserve at Minsmere it was clear there was a build up of migrants already. Several Lesser Whitethroat showed well as I walked through North bushes and the Bearded Tits showed well along North wall. Yellow Wagtails were all over the place and Willow Warblers were also well represented.

Bearded Tit at Minsmere
Bearded Tit at Minsmere
On the Scrape I found a Little Stint in with fifty or so Dunlin and twenty or more Ringed Plover. There must have been at least twenty Spotted Redshank around the reserve and several Ruff. Two Greenshank and over a hundred Blackwits were also notable along with at least two each of Wood, Green and Common Sandpipers. Two Little Gulls sat in the Black-headed roost and both Whinchat and Wheatear were seen by the sluice along with more Willow Warblers and Lesser Whitethroat.

Dunlin and Ringed Plover (spot the other bird)
Dartford Warbler

On the way back down the A12 I stopped at Abberton where the Jims had both the Pec Sand and Red-necked Phalarope lined up in the scope for me making them a nice easy pair of ticks even if somewhat distant.

Year list now 253

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