
Wednesday 23 August 2017

Caspian Tern at Rush Hill scrape Potter Heigham

Jim needed Caspian Tern for a life tick so we headed north this morning to the small village of Potter Heigham. We parked by the church and walked up the lane and then down the hedge line towards the trees. A quick walk through the trees and we arrived at the footpath. Turning East (right) we walked through the gate and arrived at the hide to find the Caspian Tern flying around behind the scrape.

Caspian Tern Rush Hill Scrape Potter Heigham
Caspo dropping in
Distant but great scope views!
A very obvious large bird with a very obvious large red bill. After a while the bird came back in and landed at the back of the scrape giving great scope views. Also on the scrape were a Little Stint with a few Dunlin, Green and Common Sandpiper, Avocets, Ruff, Blackwits, Redshank, Oystercatcher and Lapwing.

We left after a couple of hours and dipped Swallowtail Butterfly on the way home.

Year list now 250

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