
Sunday 4 June 2017

Honey Buzzard in the New Forest

Arriving at Acres Down this morning we joined two other birders at the viewpoint just before 8am and got comfortable for a mornings session.
A few Common Buzzard came up and several Goshawk gave great scope views before a single Honey Buzzard came over. Chased by a Goshawk it kept moving through and gave good scope views as it flew across the valley even stopping to give a brief display. Another darker bird was reported but I failed to get on that one but did manage good views of a passing Peregrine and more Goshawk.

On the walk back we found a Wood Warbler plus a pair of Redstart to round off a good bit of birding in the New Forest.

Year list now 237

No images today save this little guy that's visiting the garden with two cubs at the moment

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