
Monday 29 May 2017

Suffolk Warblers

We parked up at Lakenheath this morning at 6am and took the long walk out to Joist Fen. On arrival there was another guy listening and looking for DB'S Marsh Warbler which we heard as we approached and saw straight away sitting up belting out it's full repertoire which seemed to include a little Nightingale some Song Thrush and Blackbird with a little Serin and a few others for good measure. Shame he has no female around to show interest in his talents.

Marsh Warbler

The bird was joined by Reed and Sedge Warblers and Cetti's called from the same area.
Bitterns were seen as we waited and we had views of several Cuckoo and Marsh Harriers along with single Sprawk, Buzzard, Kestrel and Hobby.

Sedge Warbler

A Kingfisher was feeding and more Bitterns were seen in flight along with a few Beardies. On the walk back we picked up the call of a Grasshopper Warbler to give me a year tick and for the Jims there first Garden Warbler of the year.

From Lakenheath we moved on to Brandon about five miles away and parking up in the narrow lane that is Gashouse Drove we walked down the footpath and into the woodland area where we heard the Wood Warbler calling and very quickly got eyes on it. Always in the dark canopy it was difficult to get  the camera on it but with a high ISO I managed a couple of shots.

Wood Warbler
Wood Warbler

A real Warbler fest including....Marsh,Wood, Cettis, Grasshopper, Garden , Willow, Sedge and Reed.

Year list now 236

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