
Wednesday 1 July 2015

Icterine Warbler at Reculver and my first POTW on Birdguides

So work took me to Kent today for a meeting giving me just enough time to head on down to Reculver in search of a life tick. The Icterine Warbler was on my dipped list having tried and failed before so it was high on my list going forward. A quick check that the bird had been seen today and I was on my way. I pulled into the Bishopstone Lane car park and walked down to side of the hedge to the left of the cars. After about twenty or so yards I bumped into three birders that had heard the target about half an hour earlier but said It had now gone quiet. Two of the three departed and I and the other guy moved into the footpath running inside the hedges as we'd been told that was the best place to hear it and sure enough within a minute or two the bird was singing it's little heart out and what a tune it delivered. Sightings were very brief but the song was fantastic and worthy of the tick it delivered.

Year list now 244 life list now 361

To top that off I got home to find Birdguides had awarded me my first PHOTO OF THE WEEK

Whilst at Bempton I'd managed to grab an image of a pair of Tree Sparrows and at the time thought I'd captured the moment well but didn't think for a minute it would be POTW...well chuffed with it!!

The photo and the comments form birdguides about it.


  1. Congratulations on POTW, Brian. It is a superb shot and well worth the accolade. A nice bonus to the Icterine lifer ;o).

  2. Hi Brian, great pic and congrats on POTW!
    Just a quick message to ask if you (and your followers) can help support our campaign to protect birds and their habitats in Europe? The EU's reviewing the laws which help safeguard bird, animal and plant species (the Birds and Habitats Directives), but we think they're working really well and should be saved, not undermined! We've got until Friday to get as many people as possible to respond to a public consultation on the issue - more information here: - and any help you can provide is greatly appreciated. Every signature counts!
