
Sunday 28 June 2015

Spoonbill at Scotney Gravel Pits

We popped down to Dunge this morning and enjoyed a very quiet sea watch with Gannet numbers building and a decent count of Common and Sandwich Terns passing but with the wind in our face and the sea quiet we moved on and did the moat walk where the Jim's went off to find Black Redstart for year ticks whilst I sat myself down and enjoyed the moat life. First a young Fox cub popped out from the bramble but quickly ran for cover when he noticed me. Whitethroat were calling and showed well after a while as did Dunnock but there was little else to report. We did eventually find the Black Redstarts on the power station perimeter fence.

Herring Gull at Dungeness
Dunnock and Whitethroat
Common Whitethroat
A quick drive along the reserve track gave views of Marsh Harrier and a few Warblers but was otherwise quiet and the reserve was closed when we arrived at 9.15am which seemed a little strange.

We moved on to Scotney Gravel Pits in search of Spoonbill and after a while located two at the Sussex end of the pit. A drive further down the road into Sussex and we managed a couple of shots from the road. A nice mornings birding and home for lunch too so all's good in the browny point department.

Spoonbills on Scotney Gravel Pit

Year list now at 243

and an afternoon in the garden gave me the opportunity to grab a couple of images too.....

House Sparrow
Young Robin

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