I set off today hoping I might finally see my first Greenish Warbler but let's just say I didn't and leave that there.
Red-backed Shrike |
Red-backed Shrike |
Red-backed Shrike |
I did see the Red-backed Shrike at Winterton after walking about two miles north along the dunes from the cafe car park in Beach Road. The walk was well worth it as the bird was not only a little stunner but if you sat at the opposite end of the bushes the bird would happily make it's way toward you giving fantastic views.
The long walk back delivered Stonechat, Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap, Common Whitethroat, Marsh Harrier, Hobby and Green Sandpiper but despite a short search I failed to find either Wryneck or yesterdays Greenish.
Spotted Flycatcher |
Spotted Flycatcher |
Pied Flycatcher |
I also took time to try for the Eastern Subalpine but the views were so short and the bird so scruffy I have decided not to include it on my list at this point. Here I found a Pied Flycatcher and two Spotted flycatchers in the nearby Sycamores which was a little bonus for the time spent watching bushes waiting for better views of the Sub which never came.
Year list now at 242
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