
Tuesday 17 June 2014

Nightjar in the Brecks

We gave up Brazil v Mexico tonight in order to make our annual visit to the Brecks in search of Nightjar.
Arriving in the woodland clearing at around 9pm we enjoyed a displaying Woodlark for a while as the sun went down behind the trees and a Buzzard flew to roost. At 10pm it was still light and we had good views of ten Woodcock as they flew over the clearing some were calling well too. Tawny Owls called around us and several large Bats hunted over the trees. At around 10.15pm we heard our first Nightjar churring and shortly after had one flying around above our heads as the light started to fade away.
Another successful night and the year list moves along to 227.

Whilst eating dinner this evening the birds in the garden went into a frenzy and thanks to the visitor below the world has one less Starling in it.

Sparrowhawk with juvenile Starling in the garden this afternoon

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