
Sunday 22 June 2014

More of the Eagle with supporting cast

I travelled alone this morning to get another fix of the Snake Eagle in Ashdown Forest and wasn't disappointed. It wasn't long after arriving that the bird was spotted sitting on top of a tree from Gills Lap car park and minutes later I was in place enjoying good but distant views. I walked to the far side of the valley to get a better view without the sun in my face and was rewarded as when the bird finally left the tree it flew south and although quite high it drifted right over my head.


I moved back to Long car park and walked the trails enjoying the supporting cast of Redstart, Stonechat, Tree Pipit, Woodlark, Buzzard and Redpoll before leaving after filling a memory card with Stonechat shots.
I was lucky enough to have a family come to me as I sat watching Buzzards as is often the case the longer you sit still the more comes to see you.

Tree Pipit
Juvenile Stonechat
Female Stonechat
Newly Fledged Stonechat

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