
Saturday 3 May 2014

Weeting Heath & Laken-Heath

We made an early morning stop at Weeting Heath and enjoyed good views of a pair of Stone Curlew and a couple of Woodlarks before driving over to Lakenheath where we walked the reserve to find a Crane calling  as Marsh Harriers hunted above it, several Cuckoos and Bitterns along with Bearded Tits and various Warblers including a tick for the Jims with a Garden Warbler in the car park. An Oriole had been reported but was only seen by one person and not heard by anybody else but the sighting is encouraging. At the far end of the reserve we had good numbers of Swift and a couple of Hobby along with Kestrel and Buzzard and a Kingfisher flashed over the pool by the visitor centre so all in a all a decent morning but we failed to find any Gropper or Turtle Dove so have a couple to get when we go back for the Oriole next week????

Cuckoo at Lakenheath
Had a close encounter with the Cuckoo above but unfortunately the weather was shocking and the light just didn't do the bird justice but it remains a memorable encounter.

Plenty of Sedge Warblers singing their hearts out today

My visit got me thinking today......why is Weeting Heath two words but Lakenheath only one?
Then I got into a long debate with my daughter-in-law (who happens to be head of literacy at her school) about compound words and why they become compound words but I can't say I have much more understanding but I moved on to Woodpigeon & Turtle Dove to make the debate a little more interesting without really understanding the reasons for the merged words.

Anyway that aside time for a curry to celebrate the Arsenal getting into next seasons Champions League.

Year List now at 208

And on the subject of Heaths I found this link too regarding disturbance on Dunwich Heath and thought it was worth publishing

I like to think my ethical code is quite strong and that getting a photograph always comes second to any thought of disturbance but it's something all birders & photographers should question on each field trip especially when looking for the more delicately balanced species like Dartford Warbler.

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