
Sunday 4 May 2014


I spent the morning "gardening"  and what that means is I cut the grass, then sat with a coffee and my camera catching a couple of images of the locals.
Starling and Californian Lilac
One of the young Starlings from the first brood of 2014
Look up!
Trying to get to the feeders without Tia hearing.
Starlings have now had their first brood and the locals are defending my garden against other troops fighting for the scraps I put out for them with real determination but then they have to back off when the local Magpie decides he wants to feed too but it's interesting to watch the fight for garden territory domination. The Squirrel also gets involved and seems to have pretty much first picking until of course Tia sees him and then there's only one winner and she quickly reclaims her little piece of Essex.

Cracking birds when you take the time to look at them 

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