
Sunday 26 January 2014

Waxwings at Martlesham Heath & Snow Buntings at Landguard

With the ridiculous weather forecasting yet more heavy rain today we had a small window of opportunity this morning so headed 70 miles up the A12 to Martlesham Heath arriving at first light quickly finding the Douglas Bader Pub and the Rowan trees in it's courtyard where Waxwings had recently been seen. The trees held a Blackbird a single Redwing and three Fieldfares. A small group of Starlings flew over giving us a false alarm before I spotted a second group which were to be our target. They landed in a tall birch and sat for a while "trilling" before coming to feed on the Rowan berry crop. A total of seven birds were seen in really poor light but the camera came out for a couple of record shots anyway.

Birds of Martlesham Heath
We moved on to Landguard in an attempt to find Snow Buntings before the rains arrives from the west.
On arrival we walked the beach to the point and around to the cafe doing several laps before a coffee break.
By the time the coffee was finished the rain had started but we agreed on one final walk to the point and got lucky when a flock of ten Snow Buntings flew up in front of Jimmy giving us great close views spoilt only by the grey wet weather. Gull numbers at Languard were good as we noted Little Gull, Kittiwake and Med Gulls in amongst the other more common flavours.  A diver was seen passing before we left wet and cold but with three more year ticks in the bag.

Med Gull at Landguard
Snow Bunting at Landguard

2014 Year list now at 128

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