
Sunday 19 January 2014

Elmley, Capel Fleet and Oare Marsh

We decided to head down the A2 in search of sunlight rather than any particular birds. First stop was Elmley where the fields are soaked giving the birds all the water they need but keeping most distant from the track. We connected with a Marsh Harrier as we drove to the farm and a pair of Barn Owl hunted briefly before returning to the roosting box behind the toilet block. The pool held large numbers of Wigeon, Shelduck and Teal and around the edges were volumes of Lapwing and Golden Plover but little else of note. The drive back gave up Skylark and dozens of Curlew.

Barn Owl at Elmley
Barn Owl 
Going to roost
After Elmley we paid a visit to Capel Fleet and found Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Common Buzzard,  Marsh and Hen Harrier along with the ever present Corn Buntings.

Mash Harrier
Reports had now come in that yesterdays pair of Glossy Ibis had been seen across the water at Oare so we made the drive only to discover they had flown back over the Swale. We waited a while and before long I connected with the birds flying high as they circled over the marsh before they departed high to the south. Oare held Ruff, Dunlin, Golden Plover, Lapwings and Little Egrets along with what has to be the quietest Cetti's Warbler I've ever heard.

Glossy Ibis
The year list has now moved to 125 with Egyptian Goose also seen at Elmley.

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