
Monday 19 August 2013

Pectoral Sandpiper at Coldharbour Lagoon

Well the dilemma was do I chase a year tick in Norfolk or try my luck at getting a close connection with the Pectoral Sandpiper in Kent and the yankee sandpiper won. The walk from Reculver towers to Coldharbour lagoon is about a mile I guess but well worth it. Clouded Yellow butterflies showed well with up to six seen on the walk down. On arrival at the lagoon I quickly found the Pectoral Sandpiper walking the muddy edge with a couple of Dunlin, a Green Sandpiper and  a Turnstone. I saw a photographer sitting at the far end of the waters edge (Mike H) so walked down to join him and we waited for a couple of hours in the hope that at some point the Pec Sand would drop in to feed at our end and our wait paid off when a couple of walkers disturbed the birds at the opposite end and they all dropped in front of us. I grabbed some reasonable shots of the Pectoral Sandpiper and the Greenshank.
A very enjoyable three hour session mostly sitting waiting but when the birds dropped in it was well worth it.

Pectoral Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper with Greenshank


  1. Brian a very enjoyable read and entertaining blog. Some nice shots from the day and it was good to spend a bit of time with you . I was the photographer in your blog I believe. See my Flickr site if you have time.Bought some legwarmers today £1.57

  2. Indeed and likewise, glad you found my blog (I like to think of it more as a diary)
    Enjoyed your flicker page too and the company.
    I'll look out for the legwarmers next time I'm in Kent.
    See you around
