
Sunday 18 August 2013

Garden full of Bees and Butterflies

My garden is currently alive with Bees and Butterflies.
Peacocks, Whites, Red Admirals, Painted Ladies, Gatekeepers, Comma etc all enjoying the flowers with the Buddleia being the main attraction.

I took the wife's camera out this afternoon to grab a couple of shots.

Buff Tailed Bee
Buff Tailed Bee
Comma butterfly
Common Blue
On the bird front: A Red-billed Tropicbird was reported in Cornwall today 
(apparently photographic evidence exists from the single observer so we'll await that with interest)
If this record is accepted it would be Britain's fifth for this species so quite a find and I wouldn't think the crowd of sea watchers on site will be happy at the thought of missing it fly past them.

The Red-necked Phalarope at Cantley Beet Factory fields today is the only thing really teasing me for a year tick although I would like to see the sandpipers at Reculver too as they appear to be showing well from the sea wall so maybe a day out in that direction is on the cards.


  1. Wow, Brian, these latest photos are stunning, really loved the bumble bee one with the pollen all over it...
    I wish I had a smidgen of your talent with the camera..

  2. Many thanks Kath for firstly taking the time to look and for the kind comments.
