
Tuesday 4 June 2013

Ring Necked Parakeet at Richmond Park

I had the pleasure of dropping my youngest and his girl at Heathrow this morning as they head out to San Francisco for a week with the family and then a week in Vegas (It's a hard life!). The M25 gave us a little drama but luckily I've worked west London over the years and managed to duck around the orbital car park and get them to the terminal in good time. Being in the area I decided on a stop at Richmond Park before making the drive home where I found both Red and Fallow deer in large numbers and eventually found a few Ring Necked Parakeet low enough for the camera to come out of the bag and snap a couple of shots.

Ring Necked Parakeet
Ring Necked Parakeet
Ring Necked Parakeet
Ring Necked Parakeet

Ring Necked Parakeet
Red Deer
Fallow Deer


  1. Amazing pics yet again Brian, love the close up shots of the parakeet , they're fantastic, on the spooky side my daughter and her hubby flew to San Francisco on Sunday , they are there for 3days then over the course of 2wks are making they're way to L.A.., can't wait to see the pics my son-in-law comes back with as he's a keen photographer !...

  2. Great images and seeing the red deer for the first time.
