
Friday 7 June 2013

More of Oare and a bonus Bonaparte's Gull

I made a trip to Oare Marsh today with Suzanne, she likes this reserve because you can park up and see the birds from the car so while I walked Tia around she sat birdwatching (reading her book) in the car.
Bonaparte's Gull
Anyway dog walked I got down to some birding and quickly found the Bonaparte's gull amongst the Black Heads on one of the islands. This was a bonus being my second Bonnie of the year and a bird I hadn't gone looking for today. Lot's of Black Tailed Godwit had been pushed onto the reserve by the rising tide of the Swale and a couple of pairs of Avocet waded around with Redshank and Oystercatcher.The creeks held a few Little Egret and a Grey Heron. On the duck front I counted Pochard, Shelduck, Shoveler, Tufted, and Mallard along with Greylag Goose and Mute Swan. As for the smaller guys just Linnet  Meadow Pipit, Skylark, Swift , Swallow and a Yellow Wagtail were noted. As for Raptors I only saw a Kestrel and a Marsh Harrier today. (Oh and a couple of Buzzard on the drive down so not a bad day out)

Little Egret and Redshank

Black Tailed Godwit
Little Grebe chick

Black Tailed Godwits 
The Swift is the start of a mission to get a better Swift photograph this year.

Now...where to tomorrow?


  1. Thanks Lee, check out the post (red-kite-delight) from April for the day I got that shot there's a couple more Kites on there.
