
Sunday 7 April 2013

Royal Reservoir delivers my first Sand Martin of 2013

I noticed that Dave Bradnum had found a Scaup on the King George V reservoir at Chingford yesterday so phoned Jim to see if he fancied a quick trip to see it this morning as I know he needed one for a year tick.
As he answered the phone he was already unlocking the gates at the reservoir having had the same thought process as me, so within ten minutes I was there to meet him. Walking up the bank I spotted a Sand Martin flying towards us and quickly got Jim on it bagging us both a year tick in the process. (192) Sand Martins are the first hirundines to return from their wintering grounds in March but I seem to struggle each year to get one in March. Anyway with this bagged it was time to find Jimmy a Scaup and after scanning a lot of Tufted Duck we found the target female in the distance to give Jim his second tick.
Female Scaup with male Tufted Duck
Moving on to North basin we scanned again and again in amongst the Tufties and Goldeneyes before we found the Long Tailed Duck which I think is a London first for us both. On the walk back I found two female Goosanders and a pair of Grey Wagtails. The weather was great too, warm no wind still waters and I can't remember the last time I could say that.

Grey Heron

A nice quick trip only 5 minutes from home and back in doors for breakfast.

Hirundine: Swallow type birds including Swallows, Martins and Swifts.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Brian the pic of the Grey Heron in flight is fabulous , just love looking at your pics, it never ceases to amaze me how you get such close shots..
    Hugz Kath....
