
Saturday 6 April 2013

Hardest tick so far this year

I set off this morning nice and early and decided that Elmley would be the destination of choice.
Driving up the track to the reserve at 7.30am we had good views of Lapwing, Redshank, Snipe, Skylark and Curlew. Marsh Harriers hunted across the fields too. As we turned a corner I spotted some Hares on the track ahead of us and we stopped the car to watch them as they played. They boxed and ran around in all directions clearly having a blast.

From the car park we had Wigeon, Teal, Oyster Catcher, Canada and Greylag Geese, Green Woodpecker and more Marsh Harrier views. The walk to Well marsh Hide gave up just Reed Bunting, Meadow Pipit and Brent Geese. Once in the hide we had views of Avocet, Black-tailed Godwits, Dunlin, and Grey Plover with better views of several Marsh Harriers again.

Reed Bunting
The drive back down the track produced great views of a male Merlin sitting on the fence along the road side although it flew off just as the camera came out of the bag. So at this point I've driven 50 miles and walked a good 3 miles and despite some good action I still haven't had a year tick. After a short debate we decide to head home with a quick stop at Wanstead to see if the Little Ringed Plover is still there but after a walk around Jubilee Pond and the surrounding fields we leave without a tick which should have been that but I thought I'd have one last go and headed to Lea Valley where a walk to Hall Marsh Scape was made. Jimmy knows this area well and from the viewing screen he was on the LRP before I had the scope off my back.....Great! a tick at last 191 up and that's been hard to find.
April should be when it really kicks off and I'm expecting 20 odd ticks in the next three weeks but today was
just like March all over again and very difficult to find anything newly in but it has to start's to that!

1 comment:

  1. Just love the pic of the Hares Brian, you've managed to capture their playfulness to a tee....
    Hugz Kath...
