
Sunday 6 January 2013

Rainham Marsh and Epping Forest

Jim and I took an early morning stroll along the sea wall at Rainham this morning where we picked up Rock, Meadow and Water Pipits. Rock Pipits must be present in double numbers.

Mandarin Ducks at Strawberry Pond

On the drive to collect Jim I had a Barn Owl hunting along the David Lloyd fields so technically my first Roding Valley tick of 2013 should I ever get started on it as a patch.

As we moved to the visitors centre I picked up a Stonechat and there was a Ring Necked Parakeet near the feeders. We found the presumed plastic Ross's Goose on the reserve keeping the company of several Greylags and saw it in flight too which was good. On the foreshore we saw Wigeon, Shelduck, Teal, Redshank, Dunlin and Curlew before we made a quick stop in Epping Forest to pick up Mandarin Duck for a year tick. Strawberry Pond has an established population of around twenty birds.

A Goldcrest showed along with Coal Tit and Nuthatch.

Back at home I have planted a tree and set up a new feeding station in the garden.

Year list now at 129 and still under a week long so moving along quite nicely....
When and what will be the first lifer of 2013?


  1. Sound like you had a good day! I was just curious as to how you can tick Mandarins as aren't they technically tame birds? It's my first year Year-Listing so I'm not totally certain, thanks!

    1. Gideon I have ticked it as these birds are a self sustaining breeding population and are now on the BOU list. I hope as a new birder you get as much pleasure from the hobby as I have/do.
