
Thursday 10 January 2013

Quick catch up in Essex

Working in Hadleigh today I found a few minutes to catch up with a few year ticks.
Firstly after checking out the Common Scoter and Long Tailed Duck at Gunners Park (Both seen already this year)  I drove past Southend Pier where I connected with Mediteranean Gull (130) and Red Throated Diver. Along the front Sanderling and Turnstone fed and gave me the opportunity to snatch a couple of shots.

After work I popped down to Wallasea to connect with Corn Bunting (131) and Short Eared Owl (132) along with Barn Owl.

Half an hours birding giving up three year ticks along with great views of some often distant regulars.

Sanderling at Southend
Long Tailed Duck and Common Scoter

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