
Tuesday 23 October 2012

Red Flanked Bluetail at Stiffkey

A little after work twitch this evening.
News that yesterdays reported 1st winter has stayed over night is too much to ignore for a bird I've wanted to see for many a year and one I've previously missed.
So I make the trip to Stiffkey in search of the little cracker.

Arriving at Stiffkey I find Greenway and drive along the lane to park in the car park by the marsh.
Walking along the footpath through the trees heading east for about half a mile I find a small crowd and before long I have connected with my first ever RED FLANKED BLUETAIL and it shows really well down to a few feet.
It's one of those birds that was named without imagination. It had red flanks and a bluetail!

Over the moon with the views I head back to the car picking up a Yellow Browed Warbler by the toilets at the caravan park on route.

Lot's of Goldcrest, Long Tailed Tit, Robin, Blackbird, Brambling, Fiedlfare and Redwing about.
When I say lot's read hundreds!


A long drive home in the dark but well worth the trip.

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