
Wednesday 24 October 2012

Olived-backed Pipit for Breakfast at Gunners Park Essex

Early start today and I'm on site in my home county for a change by 7.30am
Gunners park used to be a site I visited but they have spent a couple of years developing it with houses being built etc so I haven't been for a while.
I pulled into the small car park on New Barge Pier Road, walked through to the foot path and turned left to head east with the construction site on my left and the sea wall on my right I couldn't help think of how the site used to look and how it used to be great for Barn Owls.

After a short walk (less than half a mile) I found what looked like the spot.
Three lady birders and a man birder were scanning the small copse and looked quite intent but not locked on to anything so I passed them with a mind to circling the copse.

As I reached the far end I noticed a movement from the ground to a tree just beyond a temporary fence and near an old brick building. I locked on and sure enough it's my Olive-backed Pipit.
I spent a couple of moments checking ID in my mind then called the others birders over.
We had about twenty minutes watching the bird from close range as it didn't even seem to mind the dog walkers approaching it.
The lady birders were really pleased I'd located it for them but the poor guy missed it as he'd wondered off while we had it returning just as it flew....hope he connected later.

Now back to work and chasing numbers instead of birds!

270 on the year list...306 on the life list
two additions to both in two days....that's some quality birding!

oh and I picked up a new tripod too ...good day all round.

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