
Sunday 9 September 2012

White-Rumped Sandpiper Ouse Wash RSPB

The wife's on a mission today to see how many craft shops she can visit in a day and with one being in Wisbech 10 miles from the reported White-Rumped Sandpiper at Ouse I feel the need to add it to today's shopping list and while she has her heart set on some fancy paper and pens etc I have only one thing on my list and it's a lifer.
Ouse Wash. There's a WR Sandpiper out there.

Arriving at the reserve we cross the river and luckily the bird has been reported from Kingfisher hide which happens to be the first and more importantly the nearest hide so Suzanne and Tia accompany me on the short walk. The hide is full but nobody has the bird in scope partly because it's a hard bird to pick out amongst the Dunlin and partly because the place is awash with other species. (If you'll pardon the pun)

Spoonbill, Egrets, Ruff, Redshank, Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Hobby, Marsh Harrier, Turnstone (a rarity for Cambridgeshire I'm told) Lot's of Grey Heron but I failed to find the reported Cranes or Glossy Ibis.

Eventually by working with two other birders we find the WRS amongst a small group of Dunlin and Ringed Plover. It's a little cracker and before long the whole hide gets on the bird.

I leave happy but after shopping I feel the need for a little more birding so a stop at Snettisham gives me my fix.

First visit here, must have walked about 2 miles to the first hide on the beach to find large groups of Knot, Golden Plover, Pink Footed Geese, Cormorants, Redshank etc. Not great birds but the thing about this place is quantity not quality.
The only reason I'd make the long walk again would be for a hide tide visit to see the spectacular bird movements on the rising tide or for the Geese moving off to feed in the morning but I'll need to erase the memory of today's walk first.
Beer needed now!

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