
Sunday 9 September 2012

Here come the winter visitors

Back at Holme this morning. On site for 6am and again watching a glorious sunrise.
Two Barn Howls hunt over the misty fields. A pair of Marsh Harrier join them and a young Peregrine is seen.
A single Turtle Dove and again the sea is busy with Gannets and a single diver flies through (BT I think)
Great new favourite!
Lot's of waders feeding on the beach then 24 Pink Foots fly over heading west. A party of 30 Snipe head over following the coast line west and a cloud of Lapwing follow.
As these birds arrive in numbers the Swallows and House Martins are gathering in readiness to depart.
A lone Swift is seen and then a Whimbrel flies over.
Now down to the serious business.....I want a better view of the Barred Warbler.
I parked up near the bushes it was seen yesterday more so I could use the car to rest my bad back on.

Blackcaps, Whitethroat, Lesser WT, Garden Warbler, Cettis Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blue Tit, Robin, Dunnock all show well. A Yellow Wagtail flies over and a Tree Pipit drops in for a brief rest before moving on.

I can see movement in the target bush, something in there. I get glimpses of the Barred Warbler for over an hour then I get a good view as it stands up before flying off. Shortly after the bird flies back in only this time it sits on top of a Hawthorn sunning itself for about five minutes and I get one of those rare "showing well" moments as far as Barred Warbler goes anyway.

Happy with that I head of home to sort breakfast for me and the good lady. The dog's still knackered from yesterdays outing and might need a little time before I wake her for todays trip.

Onwards and upwards!

Barred Warbler Twitchers from was a little quieter this morning

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