
Thursday 13 September 2012

New Trail Titchwell

This morning I walked the new trail at Titchwell. Taking the path from the visitor centre to Fen Hide and the new trail continues from the there for about 800m. Along the trail they have erected three new viewing screens. The first two screens overlook Patsy's reedbed and the third screen overlooks the east side of Fresh Marsh which is where the Spoonbill tend to sit.
Benefit here is that the sun is behind you in the morning so you have a clear view the marsh.

After the quick walk around the trail I retraced my steps and walked to the beach where I had a couple of hours sea watching in the company of a guy from East London.

Arctic Skuas, a Great Skua, over a hundred Gannet, lot;s of Common and Sandwich Terns along with hundreds of PF Geese coming in off the sea. The guy I'm with spots a Sooty Shearwater but I can't see the bird. Red Throated Divers and GC Grebes fly through and a pair of Eider sit on the sea then a Wheatear drops in for a short visit in front of us.

The beach is alive with Gulls and waders.

Titchwell Beach
Returning home I picked up Little Grebe and Sedge Warbler and Bearded Tits showed well.

Trips to Wells and Burnham Overy followed as we walked the dog and Suzanne got a little retail fix.
Lunch on the prom was watched by a sharp pair of Starlings who hung around for scraps.

After lunch I headed off for more birding before picking up the girls (Suzanne & Tia) and heading into Hunstanton for a curry. Along the way we stopped to watch Marsh Harriers going to roost and several Barn Owls hunting in Burnham Norton. Two Common Buzzard and a Kestrel also came through as we watched. Oh and the curry was good too.

Last day tomorrow before heading back to sunny Essex with that Baillon's still at Rainham I'll be looking to get over there on the Saturday and hope that a) it sticks and b) they open a little early again.
Saw these three today as well as all the birds.....

Chinese Water Deer

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