
Wednesday 12 September 2012


Back on the reserve at Titchwell this morning at 6am. Chinese water deer feeding was a nice site as I entered the path. Spoonbills, Cormorants and Egyptian Geese flew over and a Marsh Harrier hunted as the sun came up.
At the sea two Eider and a Common Scoter in the same place I left them yesterday which seems quite amazing. Lot's of Turnstone and several more Grey Plover patrol the beach with the other waders.
Lot;s of Gannets on the move but it's calm and not much else moves by so I head back to see if the Baird's has returned after it was flushed last night by first a Sprawk and then a Hobby.
After searching for an hour and finding Wood Sandpiper and two Curlew Sandpipers I gave up and decided to head home for breakfast. As I reached the visitor centre the warden was given a talk on the moths that had been caught last night so I hung around and grabbed a few photos of some of the more unusual ones.

Burnished Brass Moth
Emerald Green
Angle Shades Moth

After a nice breakfast I headed down to Sheringham and took in the 1940's railway which was good.
Followed that with a nice walk around town which involved some pastry and Guinness I'm afraid and a little sea watching which resulted in Gannets and Terns only.
On the return leg I took in a walk for the dog at Cley which she enjoyed and found something smelly to roll in. (Dead fish or something of that nature....she loved it) and we took a stroll across the marsh at Morston to view Blakeney Point.
Then the rain came down so we parked up at Brancaster Staithe to watch from the car and had good views of Gulls, Turnstone, Redshank, LRP and eight Spoonbill.


Morstan Quay view over to Blakeney Point
BH Gull
Common Gull
Another nice day in Norfolk.

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your holiday blog and seeing what you - and 'the wife' - are doing. I might even become a bird watcher!
    Best wishes from Papercraftpat.
