
Thursday 12 July 2012

Red Backed Shrike Lake Farm Hayes

I woke early this morning and decided to set off early in search of the Red Backed Shrike that's been reported at Hayes. I did the 50 miles round the M25 car park and arrived in Hayes before 7am.
Parked in the car park at Lake Farm Country Park and started to walk around the shingle paths of the park. Just the one birder in the park looking for the target with me.
I spent the next hour searching for the target bird. Ring Necked Parakeets are calling form the trees around the edge of the park. and there's lots of juvenile Whitethroat, Greenfinch, Goldfinch and Robin about which occasionally give false alarm as they perch at the top of the hawthorns. There's a Song Thrush repeating it's call the whole time I'm there and then finally after 70 mins I find the target bird sitting deep in a Hawthorn bush. A blackbird flushes it and I get great views of this splendid male bird. As I reach the car park several more birders are arriving, "Any Luck?" they ask and they're pleased to have the bonus of me giving  them directions.

I have now seen 249 different species this year!
This weekend could see bird 250! and my target achieved. The Champagne is on ice!

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