
Wednesday 11 July 2012

Marbled White at Vange Marsh Essex

I worked three miles from Vange today so thought it worth a look on the way home for Marbled White Butterfly. Lot's about including the target pictured which included Meadow Brown, Large and Small White, Comma, Small Heath, Small Skippers and a Ringlet. I had several sightings of Marbled White but they were mostly on the wing and rarely settled for a picture hence the grab shots below.  A Cetti's warbler showed well too whilst there.
Well worth the trip and pleased to have finally seen these Marbled butterflies after several trips to these Marshes for them.

Marbled White
Marbled White at Vange Marsh Essex
Small Skipper

Grabbed a shot of this Small Skipper
(Identified by the orange tips to the antenna as apposed to black tips on the Essex Skipper)

Again.......where's all the new birds? I need two more from somewhere!.....Red Backed Shrike at Hayes can I get there for it? Quail at Elmley? Serin at Dungeness...they are out there but will they wait for the weekend so I can catch up with them?


  1. how beautiful, I love butterflies, your patience was rewarded lol

  2. nice posting.. thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed that the Shrike stays put for a couple more days! I'll be there on Saturday like a shot if so. Good birding (and butterflying) to you! Catherine
