(153) Capel Fleet in Kent delivered a few Corn Buntings and good views of SEO (154) A pitstop at Minsmere on 2nd saw me pick up Marsh Tit on the feeders, Bearded Tit and my first Stonechat of the year (157) 11th Feb we all decided to go for the Paddyfield Warbler at Pagham...a couple of hours drive and 5 hours in a field freezing (minus 12 when we left home) No sign of the warbler but we did pick up Rock Pipt and Common Sandpiper in the harbour and had great views of Black Necked Grebe etc on the sea. We made a short stop at Hayling Island to find a lovely Shore Lark along with Slav Grebe (good views of Mergansers here too) (162) 16th Feb and a quick early morning stop at Wolferton Triangle on the way to Norwich....I mean early too...left home at 5am again but luckily two Golden Pheasants were feeding on the triangle when I arrived...I took advantage and moved on to Titchwell for a quick walk to the beach where I saw Velvet Scoter. (163) Didn't get out again until 23rd when I had a half hour at the Stone Barges Rainham to bag a Yellow Legged Gull. (164)
23rd...heard about Spoonbill showing at Fingrinhoe so on the way to Colchester I pulled into the car park and was lucky to find it on the marsh without leaving the car...back to work on time despite stopping for 2 SEO's at Abberton. (165) the 24th saw a quick trip to East Hyde where I got Jack Snipe from the bridge without leaving the car and a stop at Lea Valley on the way home saw me get my Bittern at last. (167) Made a trip to Dunwich/Minsmere on 25th and Jimmy located a Dartford Warbler on the heath along with a flushed Woodcock. Had Woodcock on the reserve too along with another G W Egret and Glossy Ibis. We heard about a Hooded Crow very close to Minsmere and headed off in search. After a while looking in the company of Lee Evans again we give up and head for Alton Water to see if we can find the Red Necked Grebe reported there...we're in luck as it shows from the car park and we even get the chance to bag a picture to prove it. (171)
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