With a rare Saturday away from chasing the dollars at work I decided to visit Dunge this morning and of course the Jims came along too.
We set off at 5.30am driving through the gloom to arrive at ARC pit at 7am where it was still grey but dry.
From the viewing screen we very quickly located the Red-necked Phalarope and enjoyed distant views. Marsh Harrier flew over and the pits held Garganey, Dunlin, Redshank, Lapwing and Snipe along with the others usual suspects. Clouds of Hirundines buzzed over the water in the thousands.
We next headed down Denge Marsh Road driving to the far end and parking by the Gully where within seconds we'd seen the Melodious warbler. The bird showed really well for us and even allowed a few pictures before the rain came. Whilst here we had very brief views of the Wryneck but it failed to come out from deep cover.
Melodious Warbler at Denge Marsh Gully |
Melodious Warbler |
Melodious! |
Wryneck |
Next we tried Galloways and the drive there produced lot's of Whinchat, Wheatear and Stonechat. As we parked up we were told of another Wryneck in the area and after a while enjoyed really good scope views of one sitting in a dead elderberry.
We returned to ARC and from the screen eventually connected with the Little Stint and in the bushes I had Cetti's, Reed, Willow and Sedge Warbler before hearing what sounded like a Firecrest but I couldn't be sure. We had a pair of Raven, ,a very large flock of Starling, a Buzzard and Sparrowhawk to add before leaving for home.
Starlings at Dunge |
Year list now stands at 241